In Search of a Spiritual Guide
What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? Why is there so much suffering? War? Fighting? Lying? Manipulation? Dis-trust? Who AM I? What is this selfless ego? We each have many questions and they all have significance to our spiritual life paths. This blog applies to all the questions that arise from our seeking of answers to life, this is me sharing my perspective of navigating through this often challenging, yet very rewarding self discovery in hopes to inspire and make light of the magnificence of discovering ourselves.
These questions evade us. Confuse us. Drive some insane. Deplete us. Trouble us. Ever notice these questions come when we ourselves are depleted and tired, confused and frustrated? When we are not living the life we want to live we see all the pain and suffering in the world and we want it fixed. What do we do, when the amount of information out there can be so overwhelming? How do we know what works and who to trust?
We can search for answers. We can turn to therapists, doctors, scientists, physicists, gurus, coaches, spiritual teachers and guides. We can read books, watch YouTube videos, find people to follow on social media in hopes of finding the answers to our questions that perplex us and cause us confusion and dissatisfaction, with life. We will and do get all kinds of different answers, we find ones that lift us up and inspire us, we find ones that cause us to ask more questions, we find answers that disappoint us and cause us to judge. In this search it does well to remember these answers come from humans, and some of these humans have found the answers that came from their egos, from their need to be right, their need to make sense of the world and they themselves are blind to this. Nothing wrong with this, it just is and we get to use our inner compass at these times to identify if these messages and teachings feel good to us. Maybe we have put these people on a pedestal, we hang on their every word and as soon as they say something we don't like, we crucify them and we begin our search over. Don’t despair this is good, and all that we experience and go through in life leads us to the One who has the answers, ourselves. The best we can do is recognize that it isn’t them, it is us that we should focus on, it always comes back to us, the more we understand this the more often we’ll find our answers. Keep going, keep searching. Our searching has many layers and it is how we evolve. Our searching also has seasons, take breaks as needed!!
The more we allow ourselves to be open and guided, the more we will discover people, books and teachings that deeply resonate and connect us to something within that we can't explain, we just know. That is a good place to linger, to explore and tune into. All the question we have, are not to unfold at once, the answers come when we are ready, when we lay down our defenses and allow what we know to arise from within, then and only then will the feel good answers appear. The suffering, questions and answers happen in divine timing, we are all meant to discover the mysteries of the universe when we have had enough experiences and are ready for new ones, ones that feel better. This is when miracles and magic occur. I personally love the magical part, some shun this and believe it is looking outside of ourselves, I believe we are co-creators and I want the connection to all that the Universe has to offer, the guidance, the signs and synchronicity’s, I find this comforting and it surrounds me with peaceful bliss.
Keep going my friends and when you are ready the answers will become more clear. When you are ready you will be guided to the resources, teachers, guides and messages that will allow you to find these answers within. We are here to remember and learn the lessons of who we are. There are an infinite amount of ways to discover this knowing, there is no wrong way, nor one way to gain knowledge to what each is seeking. There is no one message, teaching or human being that has all the answers for you. Cast your net wide and deep and follow what feels good while it feels good until you gain what you want, remember there is no need to pick up what doesn't resonate with you. Rest, at home where you are, that is the joy of having an individual experience and will allow for the beautiful unfolding of your seeking . We will not have One final answer, we are here for a short time and our evolution will continue, far beyond this lifetime. Have patience and grace with yourselves and most importantly enjoy exploring, the adventure of this lifetime.
Happy Seeking my friends.