

Who knew I’d find salvation in a comment on my IG post. I followed this comment to the page of a young man, I watched the first video that I came across in his feed and I saw love. I saw God expressed through this beautiful human. This, this is what I’ve been wanting to connect to, what I’d been longing to witness. I wanted to see Love being expressed through another human. I’ve seen it many times in person and on social platforms but this time was closer to home, closer to my own experience so I recognized it differently and felt energetically pulled to him. 

You see when you answer the call to connect to Source Energy/God  there’s nothing that can stop you. You literally understand why Jesus died on the cross. I’m happy that those cruel days, although not completely gone, are much less than 2500 years ago. There are millions and millions of light beings all over earth that are answering the call, we’re evolving rapidly, we always return to our natural state of Love. This is the time we are in, we are in the beginning stages of learning new lessons of compassion and understanding within this human experience. No more separation, no more dis-ease, no more mental illness, no more system that keeps us from the one and only truth, we are a reflection of the Divine Universe. When you discover this for yourself, you become a magnet for all that is Love. 


I took a leap of faith, (one of many) and became more authentic with what I was posting on social media. We do not know when we are guarding and monitoring what we say and do until we reach the point were it is like a sickness inside of our bodies, inside of our minds and we want desperately to heal from this sickness. It is suffocating, like an evil spirit that needs to be expelled from our bodies. When I realized I was still protecting myself, I had to once again shake off an old behavior that wasn’t serving me anymore and show up more authentically. I knew this authentic part of me so well, it was the part of me that has been buried under a lifetime of fear of rejection and disapproval, this part of me desired on the daily to be seen and to show up. We are unhappy when we deny our souls entry into our lives and this is what I had been doing, denying the truest part of me. I was no longer going to be delivering to an audience that I hoped would still love me as I shed my old self. I was now speaking for myself and for those who were also shedding their old selves in order for us to connect to our souls. I am releasing these limiting energies and embodying energies of Love and Light that are readily available as we collectively morph into the Golden Age. This young man showed me what I knew to be true, he showed me I wasn’t alone, that he was also here to lead the way as well. This gave me more strength and more encouragement to keep going. This was my Salvation, this was divine guidance to leave the worry behind and to strengthen the messages of how to live fearlessly and compassionately, with our Soul Families.


I reached out to him and asked if he’d like to connect and possibly collaborate over IG. To work together and build a community that celebrates each other, lifts each other up and inspires one another. We have been living in this lie that we need to compete, that there’s not enough to go around, we believe we have to take down our opponents in order to survive and be successful. In this mindset we breed jealousy, hate and separation. His enthusiasm was instantaneous and motivating. We got on a call the next day, from halfway across the world in a small mountain town in Malaysia where he lives with his lovely fiancé. The conversation was inspiring and validating that this is the way forward, a way to bring in A New Earth. Our connection has already added to the collective consciousness that is lifting humanity up. His fiancé was even  inspired and immediately began contributing to the energy, we are motivated to enhance our way of life and create communities that thrive during these uncertain times. This is just the beginning of what has always been, this is how we are intended to evolve,  we are all wired to Love, some of us are a little further up the trail then others, to show the way,   to shine light for all to find their way home. We are here to learn the lessons of Love and Light, there is no wrong way to do it and we all add immeasurable value to this journey. I am honored to be here Now with each and every being, visible and invisible, form and formless.  This experience is Salvation and evidence of what happening currently happening on Mother Earth. I am forever grateful and truly humbled by his and his fiancé’s existence.


Love and Light 


In Search of a Spiritual Guide


Moving During Uncertain Times