Discovering What is Best for You
What is life, if it is not an exploration of figuring out who we are, what we want, what we believe and what our truth is. We are often completely unaware, we have blinders on, trying our best to make it through, yet not fully seeing all we are capable of. How often do you; you the person reading this; pause and ask yourself “what is it that I want?” I mean truly, deeply, inquisitively discovering the answer that is yours and yours alone. Minus the worrying about any other person in your life, minus your perceived persona or identity(‘s), who you believe you need to be in this world. Have you ever tried to do this? From a thoughtful place, not a place that’s clouded and full of thoughts. When we are full of thoughts we are cut off, we are unable to connect to our inner being, our soul, our heart centers, the place that waits for us to discover our truth. The part of us that has been here even before birth, dropping breadcrumbs throughout our lives, guiding us along our path, gently and quietly leading us home. Never to quickly, for although we may have forgotten who we are and why we are here, our souls have not. Our souls hold the answers and the pathway to all we desire.
If we didn’t have outside influences distracting us, what would we choose to do? I’ve been exploring this question for the past few years. I’ve been observing myself and paying attention to what my personal distractions are, often believing I have discovered and released them all, only to find another part of me that’s unbalanced or blocked by; yup another a distraction. We can only see what we are ready to see. Most of us have very our own special distractions, usually wrapped up in our patterns, behaviors and societal conditioning that we have picked up throughout our lives. When I ‘believe’ I have arrived, learned all my lessons, removed all that’s blocking me, I sit in bliss, completely enjoying this space. Then something comes along, a hard truth that smacks my in the face. ‘What the fuck, there’s more???’ I cry. Oh the pain of admitting this, the moment of self judgement, the moment of ugh, I’m not done yet, I thought I did all my inner work. I swear it’s some sort of amnesia, I completely forget what it feels like to come to the crossroads of taking a risk that brings me out of my comfort zone, that breaks the behaviors, the patterns and addresses the societal conditioning that I unconsciously picked up throughout my life. How did I not see this? It sucks, but so do many things in life and this kind of suck is better because it’s leading me out of the sucks that I feel powerless over.
The most recent place where I discovered I had a choice to make and decide what was best for me was when I deleted my Instagram account. I had considered deleting for some time but wasn’t ready. I hadn’t realized I had become attached, I fell into the belief that this was were I’d share and create messages and content, how I would reach people. I needed a social media account, doesn’t everybody? No, we don’t need one , fine of you do have one or all of them, I’m simply pointing out that life will go on without one. This is an example of societal conditioning, I somehow came to believe I needed IG based on a narrative I’d been hearing for years. I had formed a belief I needed something based on influence that came from outside of myself. This is how conditioning happens and how a mindless distraction sets in. I was provided an opportunity to choose what felt best for me, to look within and make a change when the time was right. I was giving away my energy to something that was creating a block within me and it became very clear, I was ready to take a perceived risk and try something new. I say perceived risk because when we are energetically tangled up in something we believe we need, we will also believe that if we close that door, there’s a risk and we’re going to lose something. In truth there’s never a real risk, only a fear based one. Maybe I’ll be back on IG some day, maybe I’ll feel differently in the future, who knows, anything is a possibility.
Within a couple of hours of deleting IG a rush of inspiration came in, I’ve been writing ever since, I’m enjoying creating at another level that wasn’t available before, change is motivating and taking perceived risks is fantastic. When we say yes to ourselves, there is an ending and there is always a beautiful, new, beginning. All is happens for us in divine timing.
The more awareness and acceptance we allow to enter our being, the more empowered we become to create the life we dream of. The pushing forward, making clear, thoughtful choices, will and does pay off. The more we can be in flow and learn to balance the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the easier it becomes to navigate life. With practice the amount of time spent feeling low becomes shorter and is replaced with joy and excitement for what’s next. All is brilliantly happening for us. When we are in flow we can spend more time playing the game of life the way we want to play it. Yes play, we get to play with the Universe, this same Universe gets to play with us, providing us with all that we desire.
Exploring what feels best to us takes time, patience and lots of practice. I invite you to pause either now or after reading this and contemplate how often a moment arises throughout the day where you have an opportunity to choose what feels best for you. Do you notice there’s always a choice? There’s always a moment in which you can slow down and decide what it is you want before moving forward. Are you on autopilot? Are you focused on what you should do for others , or for your future, instead of what feels best in the moment? Let self awareness drop in. Just by reading this a seed has been planted among many others seeds that have already taken root and have created new life. We are constantly creating, in every moment, every thought and in every choice we make.
Your yes’s are yours, your no’s are are absolutely acceptable and your choices are always what you want and you can never, ever go wrong. Everything you do has purpose and is leading you forward. There will always be another opportunity to choose what feels best for you. Try as we might, we will never reach the end of the road where everything is crystal clear all the time, there’s no growth in that and it’s not what we incarnated here for. We didn’t choose to reincarnate and have a basic, boring life. We came here to expand, evolve and create. Allow for the spaciousness and mystery and you will see that life is perfect now and in every moment.
Love and Light,