Join my mentoring monthly zoom calls and member page ‘HAVEN’. Harness ALL the power that is within you and create a better future for yourself and ALL others. We are magical and we create miracles when we gather. We as Women are needed now more than ever. Go to login tab to join this movement starting in January 2025
— Shannon L Rooney


~Spiritual Life Teaching ~

~Heaven and Earth Astrology ~

~Soul Guidance ~

Soul Guidance and teaching I shine the light on unseen parts of you, the non physical, spiritual realm. Until recently this has been too far away to reach, and not a way in which we knew we could live our lives, as Souls having a human experience. Instead we have been living as humans that have a Soul, somewhere… in some unknown and unavailable realm. Heaven and Earth Astrology is a way in which I combine traditional astrology, soul (also known as galactic, starseed astrology) to give you a peek into all of who you are, as an individual expression that carries incredible gifts that you have to offer that no one else has. The guidance portion is to help you uncover all that you are as a Soul and to know intimately your Soul’s mission and purpose in this incarnation. Let’s activate your Soul at a deeper level together.

the following are the workings that I offer

Twin Flames, Soul Mates, Individual and Family, Heaven and Earth Readings;

Spiritual Life Courses;

Co - Creating with All of Life 

We each have a path, be true to yours

We are evolving rapidly, we are blending our physical selves with our non- physical selves. Learn to walk through life connected to your soul, knowing spirit is guiding and by your side every step of the way. You are creating with all of life and I will shine light on how you are actively participating with all that is happening for you and around you.

contact me here to book

Spiritual and Soul Connection Session

We are each here for a particular reason, no one else compares to who we are, no one else can do what we can do, when we have stepped fully into our divine individual expression

knowing each step of the way, is the way, I can provide the support you need to have the courage to be all of You, no need to do this alone, or feel you have to give anything up to ‘Be all of You’

Are you ready to connection to your Soul? Your higher self? Are you ready to be divinely guided? I offer one on one sessions, teaching you how to live life from your Soul, from Love. When we connect to our Soul, we allow ourselves to be divinely guided and we live a life that is magical and full of miracles. We have evolved to the point that we now can experience life as a Soul, having a human experience. It is not just something to say or something to believe in, it is actually who we are and how we are meant to live life on earth. I teach you how to think from your heart and not your mind, this is the only way to your Soul. When it becomes your natural state, then you are a Soul having a human experience, here and now on earth.

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Quantum Soul Guidance Readings

Twin Flame Reading

a fantastic experience, drenched in mystery and complexity, paving the way for others to Love Unconventionally and Unconditionally, breaking through the limiting and traditional ways of being in relationships, as this is a divine partnership that can not be broken

Have you met your twin flame? I can validate this for you

Possibly the most mysterious relationship and, connection of all. Why I chose to become a Quantum Soul Guidance Prationer is because I know personally the phenomenal love that is experienced when meeting a twin flame. I know the confusion and the struggles that come with it. The comparison of the two charts in a twin flame union are validation and confirmation to what you know in your heart is true. It is breathe-taking and, brings peace, allowing you to go within, meeting the twin flame that is the masculine and feminine within. As Within So Without, when we meet ourselves with Unconditional Love in this union we will experience Unconditional Love for the individual we are experiencing this union with. It is my personal belief that we must experience this union ourselves to truly understand it. I am here with you on your Twin Flame journey as it can be very isolating and scary. I will show you how you will get through the meeting of yourself in another body, the greatest mirror of your incarnation.

I will not share anything that infringes on another’s personal life unless they are part of the reading. If they are not present I can show the charts and validate the union and work with you on your chart.

Click on button below to watch my YouTube video on soul astrology and twin flames.

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Soul Mate and Relationship Reading

Relationships are tricky, we are breaking free of ending the confusion of why someone is so important to us. Everyone has an opinion, or a ‘how to be’ in our relationships, when only we can experience the depth of Love that is always there. I can help stop the doubting, of why a relationship ended or why you can’t quit someone

I can show you the depth of your connection, uncover some of what is hidden, giving you the insight to see this from the Spiritual level, your Souls perspective

Discover how our relationships with others are unique and loving, wether they are harmonious or challenging, they are all created from love. To teach us, to support us, to challenge us. I can show you the reasons for the harmony or challenges in the relationship you are seeking to understand more deeply.

I will not share anything that infringes on another’s personal life unless they are part of the reading. If they are not present I can show the charts and validate the union and work with you on your chart.

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Family Reading

Ever wonder why one child is more like the mother and one is more like the father? Why one child seems easy and one seems challenging? I can answer these questions and more with a family reading. Helping you navigate from love, rather than the self judgments, struggle and guilt that comes with the confusion in these family dynamics. There is just as much love in the challenging relationships as there is in the harmonious ones. Allow me to show you how this works and receive the great lessons that come with our soul and human evolution through a family soul astrology reading.

I do any combination of family, single parents, married, no matter your situation I am here for you.

Click on the link below to watch a video on the types of Souls incarnating onto Earth. If you are at this section you most likely have a baby or child that is highly evolved, sometimes these souls are referred to as star seeds, however I believe we are all star seeds, ‘it is written in the stars’. We are waking up and remembering who we are and why we are here. We each have a higher purpose and I can help you navigate these precious souls and the reason they chose you as their parent, as you share much of the same energies. It is all part of the Divine Blueprint. Not only will you find answers to questions you have, you will gain a deeper understanding of synchronicities and how spirit moves us in collaboration.