Language as a Tool to Create
One question that is always on my mind is how do we come together in harmony? The answer that comes to me every time is, we do it individually, we learn to live in harmony in our own existence and that spans out energetically to everyone we come in contact with.
I see language as an art, a way to transform our lives. Many of us do not fully understand the impact of using language that keeps us stuck in a loop, a cycle of repeating life lessons, thus keeping us in lower frequencies, victims of our own creating. When we understand how to use words in a way that matches how we want to live and experience life, we take ourselves to the next level of creating our lives. We have been taught, to use language in a way that constricts and limits us. We are often using words that keep us stuck in a cycle, or a story without even realizing it. Language and use of correct words are incredibly powerful. We don’t even know how powerful yet, maybe because we were not and still are not, completely ready to access that much power. Maybe because there are lessons to be learned first, through struggle and experiences that cause suffering, in order for us to learn enough about Love of self and others, in order to open our hearts, so we don’t go into a power trip trying to control others. There doesn’t always have to be suffering involved, maybe just a dissatisfaction with life is enough, and something within us tells us there is more. We are always being pulled toward a calling from deep within, from our souls. We access our souls and our higher minds through our heart center, where we answer that call. Understanding language is a powerful tool to connect more easily and more frequently with the part of us that is discovered when we fully open our heart. That part of us is known as, higher self, spiritual self, soul, higher mind, atman, inner being, and many other names. The proper use of language, and coming from an intention to Love, helps us consciously speak into existence how we want to feel, we are constantly manifesting the environment around us, what we speak we think, what we think we speak. We hear so much about manifesting and how our thoughts create our reality, there must be millions possibly billions of posts on all of social media platforms on this topic, with not much direction or deeper discussion on living from Love. It works some, all of it is happening for us to move beyond limitations, uncertainty and lack. What got us here, won’t get us to where we are headed, all the affirmations, manifestations, mantras, in the world won’t get us to the deeper truth of who we are and what we are truly capable of. To live as the Creator of our own lives in consciousness, takes a lot of unlearning and the reprogramming of what isn’t working anymore. Let’s take it to the level of speaking intentionally all day long, not just a few times a day.
If this is interesting and resonates with you, take a look at how you use language, maybe you already do well with using the best words and this will be another layer or reminder of applying more consistently what creates a change within, where it becomes odd to use any limiting words. A trap of the ego to pay attention to, is believing you know this, that you know how to use language, and you’ve nailed this. If this is you, then ask yourself do you use low frequency words when thinking or speaking about others? Do you feel bad for others? Feel bad that they have low self esteem or feel unworthy? Or that they are having a hard time and can’t do anything about it? Remember that spirit doesn’t see separation, if you have these thoughts about others, spirit just picks up the thoughts through frequencies that are coming from you. So wether you’re thinking and speaking about yourself or others spirit doesn’t see the difference and picks up what you are putting out and into the energetic field it goes. Wild right??? There is no separation in the spiritual world, it isn’t possible, we are connected to all that is.
Are you picking up what I’m putting down ;)
Here are some of the frequent words and phrases I pay attention to; ‘should, should not have’ ‘I made a mistake’ ‘I need’ ‘I can’t’ ‘I couldn’t help it’ ‘it’s hard’ ‘I don’t have a choice’. I replace these with; I’m learning or this is a challenge. Use need only when it truly is a need, when it’s not absolutely a dire need, use want as need has the energy of lack, want is a statement, a declaration of expecting what is ours. . Some regularly used low frequency words; insecure, unworthy, unlovable or low self esteem. (There are too many to list, these are just a few of top ones I hear, apply any of your own that you find yourself using, that are low vibe). These words are trying to address trauma issues and had good intentions yet they end up keeping us stuck in a loop of feeling unworthy and often times, unloved or like we are not doing enough. Replace these words with, I’m remembering who I am, I’m becoming more true to myself, I’m unlearning what isn’t true, I am accepting myself along the way and allowing myself the freedom to be as I am in the moment. Words are used both spoken and in our minds, apply when speaking and when thinking!!! If you lose focus and go into ego no worries, when you notice this happening you get back on track, we are building a new way of Being and it takes practice. We are naturally worthy and lovable, that is a given, it takes practice removing any thoughts or beliefs that keep us from knowing this to be true. Notice if you keep going back to low vibe words when you feel stuck or like you overcame something like a behavior or an old pattern and that something reappeared, it only reappears to be met with love and compassion for self, to exit out of our energetic system once and for all.
We are ready for more, we are ready to own all of who we are and language is a phenomenal tool to get us there, we are coming into the next phase of our evolution into higher consciousness and higher lessons of Love and Wisdom. Language is one way we create our inner world and our outer world. The thoughts are in our minds (as within) and the words we use are spoken (as without). We can use masculine and feminine here, masculine is thought, wisdom, the mind and feminine is love, the heart, creation. Masculine thinks the thought and the feminine brings that thought to life. This is Creation, and a way in which we create our reality.
Have fun and play around with this, if you have kids teach them as you are teaching yourself.
Language is a great tool, with endless benefits.