Hawk Medicine and Life Review

I have read from several resources that when we leave this body we go into a life review. In this life review we thoroughly look over all that we did in the life we just left, we are our own judge, there isn’t a being named God that judges us, no, we judge ourselves. We will know what everyone in our life truly thought of us, and we will see how we impacted them. All the behaviors, patterns and ways of being that caused us to react and respond to others will be understood, we will see what life events happened that formed these behaviors and patterns in ourselves (some we may know but not all) and those of others. In other words, we will know all that we can not know now, we will know why people hurt us, why we hurt them, why we loved the way we loved, why we choose the people that we choose in our lives. What lessons we intended to learn, what lessons we did learn and so much more. If you think of something, like hmmmm I wonder if we review this?  I would say yes, we review it. Through this we'll gather information to plan our next life, maybe what we master in this life will be the gifts we have in the next life, we'll again choose people to play a role to help us learn and evolve, as we will offer to play roles for others to do the same for them, all with Love. 


This resonates with me, it makes complete sense, mostly because we are already the harshest judge of ourselves, no one judges us the way we judge ourselves, it’s like we know this, duh. Yes we should still work on not judging ourselves, (side note, judging others is and always will be a form of judging ourselves)  doing so, we’ll be more free to be and there’ll maybe be less to judge because we allowed ourselves to experience life the way we intended pre incarceration. Whether or not this resonates with you is completely and freely up to you, I am sharing what feels good to me to share. Life is fun and miraculous, all I want to do is share the fun and miraculous with you. 


I talk about energy a lot of the time, I’m fascinated how it all connects and how it interplays with all that is, how we create our lives and how we create our experiences, through energy. Lately I’ve been paying close attention to how my energy is affected by different actions and different behaviors and patterns I have.  Last experiment was deleting IG, which I did for 29 days and the energy that I had been giving to IG was enough for me to write a book, as many of you know. Now I am in the process of editing this book, much more work than writing it. When we create something like a book it comes to life, of course it does, it’s all energetic exchange and creation through vibration, through thought. Think about a book you’ve read, it changes something within you, maybe in a big way,  maybe it’s the planting of a seed. Well think about the action of writing a book, the action of creating anything really, movie, art, food, everything, we are always creating, that’s something I’m still enchanted with discovering, and how this changes and impacts the world we live in. With what space was created within myself with getting off IG, I was inspired to not talk for a month on the phone, except my Zoom calls with clients, I’m taking a month off. I’m in the beginning stages of that right now and it’s fascinating to observe myself through this. Again more energy is available and I’m more Intune with myself. Realizing how many times a day something happens that I want to share with someone and realizing, I can just enjoy the moment, be present in the moment, my energy is becoming more fine tuned, I’m seeing I want offer myself and my energy into making a bigger impact, I want to help humanity shift into loving compassion for self and others. Not talking is helping my be more thoughtful. Introspection is key to doing so, I’ve created a life where I can do just that, go within and be One with the Universe, and offer myself to be of service through teaching and sharing my knowledge of the Universe and how we interact with all. My path has often times been full of unconscious choices but definitely something unseen has always been guiding me, this something is guiding all of us. When we go within we are allowing more conscious choices and actions through intuition and a connection to our inner being, our higher self, this can and does take on many forms.  We all are doing the same, each of us creating a unique individual experience that adds to the whole of all creation, each of us a valuable part of the Universe. Our Mind, Body and Soul is like a mini or micro Universe, an individualized portion of the whole Universe. 


This morning I woke up thinking of my spirit animal, yes I have a spirit animal, we all do and this I celebrate. Not everyone is into this, I personally have always loved animals and have had a deep connection with them, if you’re reading this I imagine you do too, you wouldn’t be into what I had to share if you weren’t. Nothing new here, I talk about this all the time, I had an animal retrieval ceremony in 2020 and my spirit animal was a Hawk. Before that I chose for myself, a fox, a dolphin, and a few others I can’t remember. Animal’s have different messages for us at different times in our lives, after all, we are One, this includes animals and their spirits are powerful messengers. It is said by Shaman's that we all have a main spirit animal that is with us our entire lives. What comfort and beauty this can offer. Life is challenging enough, any assistance from the spirit world I'm a fan of. In the last two years I've had Hawk sightings more days than I'd ever be able to recall, some very significant ones that I will always cherish and remember. I have received insight,  inspiration and guidance that has brought me much joy, peace and ease, giving me confidence and validation with major life changing choices.  I’m inviting you to call on Hawk’s spirit to guide us through these times, the Hawk see’s everything from high above, either when soaring the sky or perched high in a tree, seeing the details of what is not visible to us because we are busy in our own lives, often reacting to events, personally, nationally and globally, from our own pain, limiting ego and trauma. The Hawk see’s the big picture from high above, giving us a clear view that is much more accurate than our limited view, when we can’t see why another human is behaving or acting the way they do. The Hawk can help us have compassion and understanding for others when we are taking life personally and reacting to all that is happening around us and around the world, thinking we know why, when really we have very limited visibility with much inaccurate information. We really won’t now the truth of all, until we are doing our life review, when we'll see the Big picture, for now we can borrow and call upon Hawk medicine. That is why every loving teacher and guide always points that the way is within. Some say the Laws of the Universe, the Law of One.  I like referring to this as, the Way of Love, and this is found within. 


You can call on the spirit of the Hawk, in mediation or prayer, if neither is a practice, set an intention to see the world through clear vison and clear compassion. Not pity, not empathy, compassion for all that is and the allowing of all to be, as we allow ourselves to be all the magnificence that we are. It's our thoughts that we are not good or someone else is not good that creates and sends out a vibration of not good.  We are co-creators, what we wish for others we are wishing for ourselves. This is the Way of Love.  


"thought is the only thing in the Universe that can create -- and through vibration -- you qualify this ever flowing energy with whatever you desire to have manifest in your life and world'  Unveiled Mysteries


Know that I am always sending love to you and I am always honoring your beautifully chosen path,








Discovering What is Best for You