We are co-creating in every moment. There is a oneness, that can be felt when we pause and breathe in a moment. There is so much love that is expressed in that moment. When we take the time to give thanks and appreciation for existence it is felt and recognized throughout the Universe. This may seem unreal and even crazy or it may seem natural, yet maybe the thought arises that says. ‘ I don’t make a difference, there is too much disharmony, too much discord , too many being hateful and evil, for me to have impact’.
You are Creation, you matter and We make all the difference in the Universe.
This blog is to plant seeds, to share a more expanded perspective and to offer my insight on what comes to me. When I share, I am opening myself up to you, inviting you to co-create with me, as I Am you and We are One.
If you asked me last year I would have said ‘Fear isn’t real, if you are in fear, choose Love, it is a choice, you are adding to what is to be feared’. Though that has truth and is a way in which we manifest our reality both individually and collectively, it has more depth than that. We have gradually built up this ‘fear’ over generations and lifetimes, too unlearn and unravel this fear is a process and will take care, faith and trust to transform.
It doesn’t take but a second to look out onto the world stage and see that we are at a boiling point. We are exploding, we have had enough of trying to survive, it doesn’t feel natural, it’s like our souls won’t be ignored anymore, many of us are getting a hard wake up call. It is messy, violent, angry and unjust. So many different groups of people all wanting a change and none of them are able to look and see that coming together, community and unity are the only way for us to move forward. We are meant to Thrive and we know this, our soul is calling and our Ego is fighting like mad to keep us separated from our soul. This is an internal struggle, it’s not outside of us, nothing out there will fix what’s happened to each of us. Each one of us will continue to struggle until we retract from searching outside and go silent within. The answers are there, our soul is there, our joy is there, our connection to Love is there, in the silence. Through all of this mayhem, there are many people around the world that are connecting to themselves, to one another and to the planet. We just don’t have as much exposure to this, as we heal and balance our energy, the Universe will respond and lead us to others that are Thriving in Loving abundance. I now that those that are reading this see the beauty and the Love that surrounds us, and I’m sure there are times as well where it feels overwhelming and maybe even hopeless. That is part of our healing, to go in and out of positive and negative emotions, there is a lot within us to heal and balance. Having grace for ourselves is always a great place to go back to. It seems that we forget this when we are depleted and empty, We do remember though and we do learn better ways of navigating this adventure.
Along this adventure we learn more and more about our connection to all of Creation. It’s a remembering of who we are, I’ve been remembering more and more sometime the flood gates open lol, it is facisnating, mind blowing and comforting, it’s a welcome homecoming. I came across a video and it ignitesd something within, here’s my latest AH-HA from what this individual Matias de Stefano shared.
I’ve never been a science person, some fascinates me yet I am much more a person who, feels and navigates my personal evolution through emotions and self awareness. I now understand what it means to be an emotional person. Once I learned how incredible and valuable emotions are I came to cherish and relish in them. I so appreciate feeling the feels!! Through this I am learning that technology is not just computers and gadgets, technology is us, our ability to tune into and communicate with nature, through our senses, thoughts, emotions and frequencies. We have become very disconnected as a whole, a portion of our disconnection with our non physical, spiritual selves, comes from the lack of understanding and blocking ourselves off from our true nature. Part is because we have been in a time of human evolution that has been curious and fixated on learning about what is outside of us. Another reason is because there has been much hidden from us, a veil that shields us from our true power, our natural gifts that are found from within, through emotions and feeling. I see this veil as a level of consciousness that is unconscious, we chose this veil purposefully, to have a richer life experience. It may seem awful and bad, yet when we rise above and see through our ‘Third Eye’, we see that we are the Creator experiencing itself and there is no wrong way to have this experience. NO wrong way, just our individual contribution to the whole, of all that is. We are at the beginning stages of a Universal shift into higher levels of consciousness that we have always had access to. This has always been part of us, known as our higher self, a conscious state that waits for us to become curious enough to explore, inviting us to question what we thought was real and to be open to the mystery and the magic of all existence. Our higher self is our future self, the part of us that is pure Love, we are all headed towards this future self, some will arrive before others. I mean, what fun would it be if we all arrived at once? I write that kinda jokingly and kinda serious, I don’t want to minimize the real suffering that is happening yet I also want to shine light on the part of us that likes the contrast, we create a lot of contrast (drama) in our lives. I can look back at all the times I did create drama and I can see I did so intentionally, may resonate with you or may seem crazy, I enjoyed the experience of the drama that I created. Something deep within me knew that I was here to experience all the juiciness available in this earthly 3D version of existence. We are both positive and negative, light and dark, this is part of our true nature, embrace it and allow this as much as you can and you will discover more peace, as you are not fighting your existence, your true nature. If we didn’t have suffering, the joy, peace and happiness wouldn’t be so Divine. Some of our lessons are to come into harmony with all that is, within this is pure Love.
The AH-HA I had was… the technology that we use everyday is another form that pulls us outside of ourselves and pulls our attention outward, distracting us from the technology within. We are Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether, we are Creators, we are Creation, we are Life itself. The technology outside is darkness, the technology within is Light, balance and use both wisely and Thrive.