Spiritual Awakening

In the beginning of 2019 I experienced a series of unfortunate events. Events that typically would have had me feeling sorry for myself, and wondering "why me?". There was one event after the other, all in a weeks time, four events to be exact and to top it off... I got pneumonia at the end of that week. Surprisingly to me, I wasn't really bothered by any of it. I just felt these were events, life was happening and everything would be ok. A Lot of my inner work was beginning to show, I was trusting myself and my spiritual connection. It was almost like this meant I was ready for another level of existence, I had surrendered and was no longer a victim of life's circumstances, I was the creator.

About a month later, I was watching one of my favorite Spiritual Teachers, Mooji on YouTube. He was talking to a participant at a Satsang, saying "You are looking out there for the answer and I am looking at you as the answer." Wait, what did he just say??? Unreal, just like that, I finally got the message I had been searching for, for over 20 years. In that exact moment something inside of me clicked, the answer I had been seeking, came rushing to me. I AM consciousness, I AM the Universe having an individual experience, everything I had been hearing, from various spiritual teachers, they had all been saying the same thing, I just hadn't been ready. I had been looking outside of myself for answers and I had the answers within all along, I was that, I was love. The quote from Jesus, 'I was blind but now I see' kept repeating over and over in my head. I was in complete bliss for a few weeks, I didn't tell anyone at first, it wasn't necessary or important to me, I was deep in love with all of life. To this day, I still don't have the vocabulary to describe this experience, the vocabulary does not exist, it's a feeling that you feel. It's a feeling I want for everyone on Earth to feel, something I believe will eventually happen, that is for anyone who feels called Awaken. Many have gone through this self realization already and have been paving the way for myself and 1000's, possibly millions of others.

Now some time has passed, I am more grounded and I am ready to be of service to those on the path to realizing their highest truth, their highest self, just as I was and still am. Going through a Spiritual Awakening doesn't mean the end, there's never an end, just a new beginning, a new birth, a higher connection to source energy, to your own source energy. There will still be healing that continues, ups and downs to experience and times of not knowing what to do but through all of this, you will rediscover your power and the incredible gifts of the Universe that are available to you. You will learn to enjoy all of this because through healing, everything in your life gets better and better, it is truly miraculous.

Years ago I was searching for a spiritual guide, healer, coach, teacher, someone to help me through my journey of self discovery. I found many resources and people to assist me, the Universe will always provide you with what you need. Now I am one of those many resources, now I get to give back what I have received. I am so,so humbled and so grateful to be on this Earth, walking this path with the rest of you.

'We go through a Spiritual Awakening to then help others go through a Spiritual Awakening' Eckhart Tolle

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